Should You Incorporate Your Corporation In Ontario or Federally?
February 8, 2017
Once you have decided that it is best for you to carry on your business as a corporation, the next step is to determine in which jurisdiction to incorporate –…
The Letter Of Intent – There Is More To It Than The Price!
February 17, 2016
The sale of a business typically begins with a buyer and seller, either directly, or through agents or lawyers, having a discussion in general terms about what is being purchased…
How to Find the Right Lawyer for Your Case
July 2, 2015
Once you get into legal trouble, or need to attend court for some reason, an entire slew of things to do can bombard you at every turn, overwhelming you in…
Four Steps to Managing your Legal Contracts
December 11, 2014
There are some basic skills that every business owner needs in order to succeed in business. One of the most primary skills is the ability to know when you need…